
Health and Nutrition Benefits of Apricots

Apricots are very nutritious and contain many essential vitamins and minerals. Just 2 fresh apricots (70 grams) provide ( 1 Trusted Source ): Calories:  34 Carbs:  8 grams Protein:  1 gram Fat:  0.27 grams Fiber:  1.5 grams Vitamin A:  8% of the Daily Value (DV) Vitamin C:  8% of the DV Vitamin E:  4% of the DV Potassium:  4% of the DV Furthermore, this fruit is a decent …

November 2, 20190 comments

History Of The Apricot

According to historical sources Turkistan; a very large region which includes Central Asia and Western China, is thought to be the home country of apricot. As long as 5000 years ago, apricots were known and cultivated in this region. During the expeditions of Alexander the Great, apricots were brought to Anatolia in IV BC and became the second home …

November 2, 20190 comments

Dried Apricots Health Benefits

Full of fragrance and sweet, golden-orange apricots are another summer season delicacies of Asian origin. Dried apricots are obtained from sun drying the fruit, the nutrients are not harmed in the process and you yield even more benefits of dried apricots than the fresh ones. Dried apricots contain Calcium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Vitamin A, Iron, a …

January 3, 20190 comments

How many calories an adult needs per day

Morbi volutpat nisi a ligula vestibulum placerat. Suspendisse venenatis pulvinar nibh sed convallis. Cras elementum nunc a purus sodales tincidunt. Duis fringilla quam at tellus consectetur, id placerat metus tincidunt. In tellus mauris, pellentesque ac est sed, vestibulum hendrerit felis. Pellentesque molestie lorem id placerat condimentum. Intege …

December 12, 20180 comments
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